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The Three Year Olds

With Teachers’ support, our Three-year-olds learn to take turns in games and start helping with simple tasks, like putting their toys or books away. They learn to follow 2-3 step directions. They can carry on a conversation of several exchanges. Our preschoolers practice patterning and play letter recognition and counting games. They begin understanding concepts of same/ different and can sort objects according to 1-2 attributes.

They separate easier from their parents and start showing affection for their friends and concern for their feelings. Our preschoolers engage in variety of activities promoting small muscle development: pounding and cutting playdough, building with blocks, painting and coloring, connecting constructor game pieces, beading large beads and working with toys that have buttons, levers, and moving parts. They appreciate books and love listening to familiar stories being read to them, they learn turning book pages one at the time and looking at the illustrations. When reading, Group teachers talk about emotions, encouraging children to identify feelings in story characters and cause/ action that preceded the emotions.  The three- year-olds love to play make -believe  games with dolls and toy animals,  they also become more independent  in dramatic play center using dress-up clothing. 
Our preschoolers  improve balancing, running, climbing skills, they are able to kick and toss ball, and climb up and down steps on playground equipment.